How Pottery Is Made

Making pottery is one of the oldest things that shaped our lives. In fact, it’s so old that the oldest discovered piece of pottery is around 10,000 years old! That being said, how pottery is made has dramatically evolved over the years. Turning pottery from simply fulfilling a use to …

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Top 5 Best Kilns For Home Studios – 2020

It’s no secret: home-use kilns are growing in popularity more than ever. Artists have been turning spare rooms in their homes into mini-workshops. Home-based laboratories have become what’s convenient.  It’s easy to see why. In addition to having a DIY element that appeals to many ceramists, home-use kilns are easy …

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What Are The Best Pottery Firing Techniques

Creating things from clay, a bit of water and heat seems magical.  You turn a piece of wet, muddy clay into whatever shape you want. The 4 elements working together to produce a dazzling form of art and function. Pottery is one of the oldest industries in the world and …

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